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Migration files

The migrations directory contains a series of migration scripts. Each migration script is a python file (.py) containing a series of steps. Each step should comprise a migration query and (optionally) a rollback query:

# file: migrations/

from yoyo import step

    "CREATE TABLE foo (id INT, bar VARCHAR(20), PRIMARY KEY (id))",
    "DROP TABLE foo"

Migrations may also declare dependencies on earlier migrations via the __depends__ attribute:

# file: migrations/

__depends__ = {'0001.create-foo'}

    "ALTER TABLE foo ADD baz INT",
    "ALTER TABLE foo DROP baz"

The filename of each file (without the .py extension) is used as migration's identifier. In the absence of a __depends__ attribute, migrations are applied in filename order, so it's useful to name your files using a date (eg '') or some other incrementing number.

yoyo creates a table in your target database, _yoyo_migration, to track which migrations have been applied.

Steps may also take an optional argument ignore_errors, which must be one of apply, rollback, or all. If in the previous example the table foo might have already been created by another means, we could add ignore_errors='apply' to the step to allow the migrations to continue regardless:

# file: migrations/

from yoyo import step

    "CREATE TABLE foo (id INT, bar VARCHAR(20), PRIMARY KEY (id))",
    "DROP TABLE foo",

Steps can also be python functions taking a database connection as their only argument:

# file: migrations/

from yoyo import step

def do_step(conn):
    cursor = conn.cursor()
        "INSERT INTO sysinfo "
        " (osname, hostname, release, version, arch)"
        " VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s %s)",
