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Configuration file

Yoyo looks for a configuration file named yoyo.ini in the current working directory or any ancestor directory.

If no configuration file is found yoyo will prompt you to create one, popuplated with the current command line args.

Using a configuration file saves repeated typing, avoids your database username and password showing in process listings and lessens the risk of accidentally running migrations against the wrong database (ie by re-running an earlier yoyo entry in your command history when you have moved to a different directory).

If you do not want a config file to be loaded add the --no-config parameter to the command line options.

The configuration file may contain the following options:

# List of migration source directories. "%(here)s" is expanded to the full path of the directory containing this ini file.
sources = %(here)s/migrations %(here)s/lib/module/migrations

# Target database
database = postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost/mydb

# Verbosity level. Goes from 0 (least verbose) to 3 (most verbose)
verbosity = 3

### Disable interactive features
batch_mode = on

# Editor to use when starting new migrations "{}" is expanded to the filename of the new migration
editor = /usr/local/bin/vim -f {}#

# An arbitrary command to run after a migration has been created "{}" is expanded to the filename of the new migration
post_create_command = hg add {}

# A prefix to use for generated migration filenames
prefix = myproject_

Config file inheritance may be used to customize configuration per site:

# file: yoyo-defaults.ini

sources = %(here)s/migrations

# file: yoyo.ini

; Inherit settings from yoyo-defaults.ini
%inherit = %(here)s/yoyo-defaults.ini

; Use '?' to avoid raising an error if the file does not exist
%inherit = ?%(here)s/yoyo-defaults.ini

database = sqlite:///%(here)s/mydb.sqlite