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Complex Types

The following list represent the avro complex types mapped to python types:

Avro Type Python Type
enums enum.Enum, typing.Literal[str]
arrays typing.List, typing.Tuple, typing.Sequence, typing.MutableSequence
maps typing.Dict, typing.Mapping, typing.MutableMapping
fixed types.confixed
unions typing.Union
unions with null typing.Optional
records Python Class
Avro Type Python Type
enums str, enum.Enum, typing.Literal[str]
arrays typing.List, typing.Tuple, typing.Sequence, typing.MutableSequence
maps typing.Dict, typing.Mapping, typing.MutableMapping
fixed types.confixed
unions typing.Union
unions with null typing.Optional
records Python Class


Enum example
import enum
import dataclasses

from dataclasses_avroschema import AvroModel

class FavoriteColor(enum.Enum):
    BLUE = "Blue"
    YELLOW = "Yellow"
    GREEN = "Green"

    class Meta:
        doc = "A favorite color"
        namespace = ""
        aliases = ["Color", "My favorite color"]

class User(AvroModel):
    "An User"
    favorite_color: FavoriteColor = FavoriteColor.BLUE


  "type": "record",
  "name": "User",
      "name": "favorite_color",
        "type": "enum",
        "name": "FavoriteColor",
        "doc": "A favorite color",
        "namespace": "",
        ["Color", "My favorite color"]
      "default": "Blue"
  "doc": "An User"
Enum example
import enum
import dataclasses

from dataclasses_avroschema import AvroModel

class FavoriteColor(str, enum.Enum):
    BLUE = "Blue"
    YELLOW = "Yellow"
    GREEN = "Green"

    class Meta:
        doc = "A favorite color"
        namespace = ""
        aliases = ["Color", "My favorite color"]

class User(AvroModel):
    "An User"
    favorite_color: FavoriteColor = FavoriteColor.BLUE


  "type": "record",
  "name": "User",
      "name": "favorite_color",
        "type": "enum",
        "name": "FavoriteColor",
        "doc": "A favorite color",
        "namespace": "",
        ["Color", "My favorite color"]
      "default": "Blue"
  "doc": "An User"


There are not restriction about enum names but is is highly recommended to use pascalcase


Every symbol must match the regular expression [A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*. This is an avro restriction

Enums from typing.Literal of strigns

typing.Literal[...] can be used to indicate to type checkers that the annotated object has a value equivalent to one of the provided literals. If all Literal arguments are string, then for some use cases an avro enum as representation would make more sense in order to preserve the constraints (Literal arguments to enum symbols).

For this behaviour the attribute convert_literal_to_enum must be set to True

import dataclasses
import typing
from dataclasses_avroschema import AvroModel

class MyModel(AvroModel):
    options: typing.Literal["four_4", "five_5"] = "four_4"
    optional_field: typing.Optional[typing.Literal["four_4", "five_5"]] = None

    class Meta:
        convert_literal_to_enum = True


  "type": "record",
  "name": "MyModel", "fields": [
    {"name": "options", "type": {"type": "enum", "name": "options", "symbols": ["four_4", "five_5"]}, "default": "four_4"},
    {"name": "optional_field", "type": ["null", {"type": "enum", "name": "optional_field", "symbols": ["four_4", "five_5"]}], "default": null}]
import dataclasses
import typing
from dataclasses_avroschema import AvroModel

class MyModel(AvroModel):
    options: typing.Literal["four_4", "five_5"] = "four_4"
    optional_field: typing.Optional[typing.Literal["four_4", "five_5"]] = None


  "type": "record",
  "name": "MyModel",
  "fields": [
    {"name": "options", "type": "string", "default": "four_4"},
    {"name": "optional_field", "type": ["null", "string"], "default": null}

Repeated Enums

Sometimes we have cases where an Enum is used more than once with a particular class, for those cases the same type is used in order to generate a valid schema. It is a good practice but NOT neccesary to a define the namespace on the repeated type.

import enum
import dataclasses
import typing

from dataclasses_avroschema import AvroModel

class TripDistance(enum.Enum):
    CLOSE = "Close"
    FAR = "Far"

    class Meta:
        doc = "Distance of the trip"
        namespace = "trip"

class User(AvroModel):
    trip_distance: TripDistance
    optional_distance: typing.Optional[TripDistance] = None

import enum
import dataclasses
import typing

from dataclasses_avroschema import AvroModel

class TripDistance(str, enum.Enum):
    CLOSE = "Close"
    FAR = "Far"

    class Meta:
        doc = "Distance of the trip"
        namespace = "trip"

class User(AvroModel):
    trip_distance: TripDistance
    optional_distance: typing.Optional[TripDistance] = None


resulting in

  "type": "record",
  "name": "User",
  "fields": [
      "name": "trip_distance",
      "type": {
        "type": "enum",
        "name": "TripDistance",
        "symbols": [
        "doc": "Distance of the trip",
        "namespace": "trip"
      "name": "optional_distance",
      "type": [
        "trip.TripDistance"  // using the namespace and the TripDistance type
      "default": null
  "doc": "User(trip_distance: __main__.TripDistance, optional_distance: Optional[__main__.TripDistance] = None)"

Enums type level default

From avro 1.9.0 it is possible to set enum type level default: Enum type level default value is to deal with newly added symbols that the reader does not know about. This is for forward compatibility.

  "type": "record",
  "name": "MyRecord",
  "fields": [
      "name": "my_field",
      "type": {
        "type": "enum",
        "name": "MyEnum",
        "symbols": [
         * Symbol default - for forward compatibility - 
         * new in Avro 1.9.0
         "default": "Unknown"  
       * Field default - for handle backwards compatibility
      "default": "Unknown"    

The question is: how can we set a enum type level default?. The answer is using the class Meta

import enum
import dataclasses

from dataclasses_avroschema import AvroModel

class MyEnum(enum.Enum):
    A = "A"
    B = "B"
    UNKNOWN = "Unknown"

    class Meta:
        default = "Unknown"

class MyRecord(AvroModel):
    my_field: MyEnum = MyEnum.UNKNOWN
import enum
import dataclasses

from dataclasses_avroschema import AvroModel

class MyEnum(str, enum.Enum):
    A = "A"
    B = "B"
    UNKNOWN = "Unknown"

    class Meta:
        default = "Unknown"

class User(AvroModel):
    my_field: MyEnum = MyEnum.UNKNOWN


This is great because we achieve avro FULL COMPATIBILITY, however this can lead to confusing scenarios. Check the discussion for more insight


Array example
import dataclasses
import typing

from dataclasses_avroschema import AvroModel

class UserAdvance(AvroModel):
    "User advanced"
    pets: typing.List[str]
    cars: typing.List[str] = None
    favourites_numbers: typing.List[int] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=lambda: [7, 13])


  "type": "record",
  "name": "UserAdvance",
  "fields": [
      "name": "pets",
      "type": {
        "type": "array",
        "items": "string",
        "name": "pet"
      "name": "cars",
      "type": {
        "type": "array",
        "items": "string",
        "name": "car"
      "default": []
      "name": "favourites_numbers",
      "type": {
        "type": "array",
        "items": "long",
        "name": "favourites_number"
      "default": [7, 13]
  "doc": "User advanced"


Map example
import dataclasses
import typing

from dataclasses_avroschema import AvroModel

class UserAdvance(AvroModel):
    "User advanced"
    accounts_money: typing.Dict[str, float]
    cars_brand_total: typing.Dict[str, int] = None
    family_ages: typing.Dict[str, int] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=lambda: {"father": 50})


  "type": "record",
  "name": "UserAdvance",
  "fields": [
      "name": "accounts_money",
      "type": {
        "type": "map",
        "values": "float",
        "name": "accounts_money"
      "name": "cars_brand_total",
      "type": {
        "type": "map",
        "values": "long",
        "name": "cars_brand_total"
      "default": {}
      "name": "family_ages",
      "type": {
        "type": "map",
        "values": "long",
        "name": "family_age"
      "default": {"father": 50}
  "doc": "User advanced"


Fixed types in avro must specify one required attribute size which specifies the number of bytes per value. Because the fixed type does not exist in python it is not possible to supply the required arguments directly in the type so dataclasses-avroschema provides a funtion to create fixed. The function types.confixed annotates the types.Fixed type and it adds the required attibutes.

Arguments to confixed

The following arguments are available when using the confixed type function

  • size (int): number of bytes per value
  • aliases (List[str]): a List of strings, providing alternate names (optional)
  • namespace (str): a string that qualifies the name (optional);
Fixed example
import typing
import dataclasses

from dataclasses_avroschema import AvroModel, types

class UserAdvance(AvroModel):
    md5: types.confixed(size=16, namespace='md5', aliases=["md5", "hash"])
    name: types.confixed(size=16) = b"u00ffffffffffffx"


  'type': 'record',
  'name': 'UserAdvance',
  'fields': [
    {'name': 'md5', 'type': {'type': 'fixed', 'name': 'md5', 'size': 16,'namespace': 'md5', 'aliases': ['md5', 'hash']}},
    {"name": "name", "type": {"type": "fixed", "name": "name", "size": 16}, "default": "u00ffffffffffffx"}
  'doc': 'UserAdvance(name: str, md5: dataclasses_avroschema.types.Fixed = 16)'}


import typing
import dataclasses
import datetime
import uuid

from dataclasses_avroschema import AvroModel

class UnionSchema(AvroModel):
    "Some Unions"
    first_union: typing.Union[str, int]
    logical_union: typing.Union[datetime.datetime,, uuid.uuid4]
    second_union: typing.Union[str, int] = "test"
    third_union: typing.Union[int, str] = 'STRING TYPE'

import typing
import dataclasses
import datetime
import uuid

from dataclasses_avroschema import AvroModel

class UnionSchema(AvroModel):
    "Some Unions"
    first_union: str | int
    logical_union: datetime.datetime | | uuid.uuid
    second_union: str | int = "test"
    third_union: int | str = 'STRING TYPE'

  "type": "record",
  "name": "UnionSchema",
  "fields": [
  {"name": "first_union", "type": ["string", "long"]},
  {"name": "logical_union", "type": [
    {"type": "long", "logicalType": "timestamp-millis"},
    {"type": "long", "logicalType": "date"},
    {"type": "string", "logicalType": "uuid"}]},
  {"name": "second_union", "type": ["string", "long"], "default": "test"},
  {"name": "third_union", "type": ["string", "long"], "default": "STRING TYPE"}],
  "doc": "Some Unions"

Union with Records

import dataclasses
from dataclasses_avroschema import AvroModel

class Bus(AvroModel):
    "A Bus"
    engine_name: str

    class Meta:
        namespace = "types"

class Car(AvroModel):
    "A Car"
    engine_name: str

    class Meta:
        namespace = "types"

class UnionSchema(AvroModel):
  "Some Unions"
  lake_trip: typing.Union[Bus, Car]
  river_trip: typing.Union[Bus, Car] = None
  mountain_trip: typing.Union[Bus, Car] = dataclasses.field(
      default_factory=lambda: Bus("engine_name": "honda"))

import dataclasses
from dataclasses_avroschema import AvroModel

class Bus(AvroModel):
    "A Bus"
    engine_name: str

    class Meta:
        namespace = "types"

class Car(AvroModel):
    "A Car"
    engine_name: str

    class Meta:
        namespace = "types"

class UnionSchema(AvroModel):
  "Some Unions"
  lake_trip: Bus | Car
  river_trip: Bus | Car | None = None
  mountain_trip: Bus | Car = dataclasses.field(
      default_factory=lambda: Bus("engine_name": "honda"))

  "type": "record",
  "name": "UnionSchema",
  "fields": [
      "name": "lake_trip",
      "type": [
          "type": "record",
          "name": "Bus",
          "fields": [
              "name": "engine_name",
              "type": "string"
          "doc": "A Bus"
          "type": "record",
          "name": "Car",
          "fields": [
              "name": "engine_name",
              "type": "string"
          "doc": "A Car"
      "name": "river_trip",
      "type": [
      "default": null
      "name": "mountain_trip",
      "type": [
      "default": {"engine_name": "honda"}
  "doc": "Some Unions"


From python 3.10 you can use union type expressions using the | operator

Unions with typing.Optional

typing.Optional[Any] is translated as an optional Union: typing.Union[Any, NoneType] where NoneType is always at the end

import typing
import dataclasses

from dataclasses_avroschema import AvroModel
from dataclasses import dataclass, field

class X(AvroModel):
    y: typing.Optional[typing.List[int]]

import typing
import dataclasses

from dataclasses_avroschema import AvroModel
from dataclasses import dataclass, field

class X(AvroModel):
    y: typing.List[int] | None

    "type": "record",
    "name": "X",
    "fields": [
        {"name": "y", "type": [{"type": "array", "items": "long", "name": "y"}, "null"]}
    "doc": "X(y: Union[List[int], NoneType])"